Thursday, 30 January 2020

Self-Love is Self-Full not Selfish!


How simple this word sounds but hard to practice it. We as a human always give first preference to the other person, we think about what they will think if you consider yourself first.

People waste their time pleasing others before making themselves happy. Self-love is the purest form of love when you know yourself fully you would not need any kind of approval from others about how you look, how you talk, how you walk, how you eat etc.

Awareness of Self-love is somehow missing in our life & completely neglected by us, people consider themselves ugly if there friends or family don't appreciate them, which is wrong!! 

Why do you need anyone's approval in your life that too for you? 
Why do you want someone to stay with you whenever you need it?
Why did you think your all expectations will be fulfilled by the third person in your life?
Why do we feel authentic only after other's approval?

This is due to the absence of "Self-love".

When you know yourself, you don't put yourself in a condition where you feel vanished, hurt, stressed or unlovable. 

When you love yourself you know other's appreciation for you is just an Add-on on what you feel about yourself.

When you love yourself and accept yourself completely you start doing the things which make you happy, you start sorting out people from your life who no more adding any values to your life.

When you love yourself you start avoiding the negativity and start focusing on the positive thoughts.

When you love yourself, you live your life on your terms, you don't depend upon what others are saying, suggesting, recommending for you.

Understand the importance of "YOURSELF", Loving Yourself, Caring Yourself, Protecting Yourself, Trusting Yourself, Pampering Yourself, be Kind to Yourself, Stop Judging Yourself.

Because you know "YOU" better than anyone else. Love yourself no problems will arise.

Friday, 24 January 2020

The power of words!


Positive words, Negative words, Happy words, Sad words, Exciting words, Kind words, appreciative words!

They belong to the same community, but their impact on the human mind is entirely different.

Have you ever noticed how someone's face changes the color when you are shouting or yelling on them? 

How do some people start getting a panic attack when they cannot bear a loud voice?

How people take the wrong step based on what others think about them?

Human psychology is depending upon what other person is saying to them; sometimes, they even start judging themselves based on other's thought processes. Most of the time, when they tell something negative about you or when someone appreciates you don't trust either.

I can't entirely agree with judging yourself based on what others are saying about you.

The mind is the limit. As long as the mind can envision the fact that you can do something, you can do it, as long as you believe 100 percent.

I have recently watched a video of Toastmasters, and I suddenly realized how impactful the words could be-

You can never know which word of yours can impact a person profoundly, harshly, positively, inspiringly!

Why degrade if you can inspire? Choose your words wisely.

I remember appreciating a tea maker in the morning when I was traveling via train from Pune to Mumbai. He suddenly came and asked, would you like to have tea? As a tea lover, I said yes. After taking one sip, I liked the drink a lot, and I called him once again and said the tea is really good & I cannot forget the smile my words brought on his face, which made me happy, and I realized, it takes nothing to make someone's day. A little gesture of appreciation can bring a change in someone's life.

"Be sure to taste your words before you spit them out."

Monday, 20 January 2020

Stop Judging!!

How often do you judge people around you?

How often you start judging them, the second they leave your place? How usually you start making stories about them, by the way, they were responding, talking, and letting you know what there thought process is?

In my personal experience, I have learned that everyone has a story to tell, what you are today says a lot about your past, your childhood, your native place, your upbringing.

As a human, we need to understand; instead of what, we should focus on why! 

Why is someone behaving weirdly? Why do they have a negative thought process? There could be a reason why they stopped expressing themselves? 

You can't give your opinion on someone you don't know about; what they are today, what they have gone through in the past.

Trust me; when you allow yourself to hear the story of a person, you will feel more connected and will never be judgmental after hearing them. 

Be someone who can help in the growth of the other one. Growing mentally & Spiritually is everything!!

Sunday, 5 January 2020

Living beyond limits; Restart from where you are!

How often do you feel that you are stuck? And think that nothing is going as per your plan? How many times do you think that you need a push to restart your life? How many times do you think that you don't want to try anymore?

It is a common attribute of being human. Where we feel depressed if something doesn't work out as per our expectations and we feel like doing nothing, we want to be there for some time & feel that failure from the bottom of our heart. It's good to feel everything deeply and need not forget that the rest of your life is still there to live.

We give our attention to some incidences of our life where we feel that this is the end, nothing is going to work out, and your life has paused, your dreams have shattered, and you are lost.
I have recently watched a video of a brave lady who is not only bold, smart but also a courageous one. She is Amy Purdy

She was diagnosed with a rare disease called "Meningitis," a rare bacterial infection where her chances of survival were meager, she lost her both legs because of that infection. She uses to do Snowboarding. After losing her legs, she lost her confidence, her courage, her dreams, her passion, and her motive to live her life. She stopped meeting people and start talking negatively about herself. Self-talks creates more impact rather than hearing something wrong about yourself from someone else.

Her dreams were to travel the world, Snowboarding, participate in competitions, and had a vision of becoming the champion. All the goals were in the paused state. She was going through emotional trauma, and one day she decided to face it and accept her life's situation the way it is. The day her perception towards her conditions changed, it started motivating her to do more and more for herself, her dreams, and her passion.

Her parents helped her in the installation of her artificial legs; she embraced that by saying that- She could be tall, She could be short according to the guys she is dating. Her attitude towards life was making herself happy no matter how hard the situation gets; she wanted to face it gracefully.
She started practicing Snowboarding with her new legs, She was going through the pain, but she had the thought of reaching her goal of becoming a champion in Snowboarding always there to overcome her anxiety. She practiced, she was consistent, She was positive about achieving her desires, and one day she became a professional snowboarder and won world cup gold medals and became the first female snowboarder. She started a nonprofit organization for disabled people who can participate in action sports.

Her Story inspires us in many ways and tells us:
  • Your current situation is not defining your whole life
  •  Your Dreams are not beyond your limit if you don't limit yourself
  •  Every Circumstance of your life, push you to become a different and stronger person than     before
  • Take it and accept it the way your life give you the challenges
  •  When feeling stuck, try harder to get out from that situation
  • Accept the changes gracefully

Feelings: Stop Forcing,Start Flowing!!

Feelings!! How does that sound to you? Positive/Negative/ Mixed/ Consfused/Happy/Sad/Motivating/Demotivating? I know we all now and t...